Friday, April 5, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - George Thorogood and the Destroyers - Maverick

George Thorogood and the Destroyers - Maverick

January 25 1985
George Thorogood and the Destroyers
Genre: Rock, Roots Rock
3.25 out of 5

Gear Jammer
Long Gone

If you’ve heard one George Thorogood album, you’ve heard every George Thorogood album. He’s not reinventing the wheel here. This ain’t no prog rock. It’s straight up Blues breaking rock. What’s good for him, though, besides the fact that he can play his ass off, is that the music he was paying homage to, ripping off, covering, etc, was recorded at the early, nascent days rock. So, it suffers from being audio antiques. Just 30 years later the technology and prowess of engineering has exploded exponentially so that the quality of his recordings really hold up. 
But, again, if you’ve got one George Thorogood album (and it’s either Bad to the Bone or Move It On Over or I’m Wanted) then you’re good. This is the weakest of that quartet. 
Memo to George: When the best tracks on your album are your own originals, take that note and run with it, man. 

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