Friday, April 5, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Utopia - POV

Utopia - POV

January 15 1985
Genre: Rock
1.75 out of 5

It's almost like Utopia is allergic to writing songs that I can like. They allllllmost get there. And then Rundgren dows something with the melody or the bridge or his effing voice and I want to run screaming from the room. 
I said it in the review for Oblivion: The best thing Utopia ever did was interpolating Beatles music. That's it. And then they decided to become an actual music making concern. On this one they sound like The Tubes...but without the cheekiness, humor, or even musicianship. Which is saying a lot, since these guys can play. What they play is bad, tho. (Oh, jeez, the Zappa-esque-ness of "Mystified" makes me...just...angry)
No one needs to listen to this. 
Except Todd Rundgren. He should be locked in a room and forced to listen to all his bad Utopia records until he confesses to what he did. 

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