Monday, April 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Meteors - Stampede!

The Meteors - Stampede!

1984 Housekeeping
The Meteors
4 out of 5

Eat the Baby
In Too Deep

Well, hello rockabilly stomp. To fill the gaps missing between Cramps record, the Meteors have arrived. They aren’t great. Their songs are meh. They don’t have the psychobilly of Reverend Horton Heat, but who does?
Nor do they have the inherent appeal of Brian Setzer. I almost forgot this genre existed.
My issue with this is the lead vocals. The band is stellar, they know the genre. It’s demanding a voice like Scotty from Big Bad Voodoo Daddy or even Steve Perry from Cherry Poppin Daddies. The singer’s voice actually wrecks this for me. I know that shouldn’t be a factor but it’s like John Lydian trying to warble Lounge music. It’s a detractor.

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