Friday, April 5, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - APB - Something to Believe In

APB - Something to Believe In

January 1, 1985
Something to Believe In
Category: Post-punk, Punk-Funk

So Many Broken Hearts
2.75 out of 5

While Red Hot Chili Peppers were still trying to figure themselves out, some Scottish post-punk band was applying funk rhythms to their skanky club aesthetic with much more solid success. 
This is, apparently, a collection of singles that predated their debut and it's not bad. You can hear 3rd Wave bubbling underneath, along with edgy post-Clash scratchy guitars. We all know where punk was going, the Clash showed us that it was really club music they all wanted to be making. Here there's a dollop of The Jam mixed in with (don't punch me) a little Roman Holliday. Nowhere near as good as them but that sort of funky joy is present. 
Trouble is, for me, this is no longer really "rock". We've traveled so far afield that we are really just listening to funk jams at this point and I'm losing my interest halfway through. By the end I just want it to be over. 

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