Monday, April 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post- Heaven 17 - How Men Are

Heaven 17 - How Men Are

September 1984
Heaven 17
How Men Are
1.75 out of 5

Oh, wow, is this a dated sound. It's kind of amazing how fast this sound played itself out. And here's the thing about H17: They are shitty at it. Their songs are bad, the presentation is like if ABC got sick, lost all their water, had to go on fluids and then recorded whilst in the hospital.
This is garbage.
But, Heaven 17 is always garbage. To me, at least. I know there are people who think this is a high point. To me, it sounds like third rate Wham!. But, not good Wham!. First album Wham!.
This is lounge music that was kicked out of the lounge.

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