Thursday, April 25, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Fetchin' Bones - Cabin Flounder

Fetchin' Bones - Cabin Flounder

1985 Housekeeping
Fetchin’ Bones
Cabin Flounder
4.25 out of 5

God’s Hanky
So Brilliant
Plus Seven

What do we have here? This is…this is the music of the 90s. Who are Fetchin’ Bones??? How did I miss a band that sounds like REM but fronted by a woman who’s lyrics you can understand???
This is college rock. This is Indie rock. This must’ve been played on college radio, no? How could they avoid it? It’s Jangle Pop, cow-punk, alternative. It’s out of time. It needed to be released 5 years later.
It sounds a lot like if you took The Go-Go’s and just pushed them 10 years into the future. And that’s not just because Hope Nicholls is the lead singer. That bassist, Danna Pentes, is biting hard on Jane Weidlin’s lines. (Also, Mike Mills, but early Mills). The faux-country “Spinning” is everything I would hope an Adam and the Ants cover band would sound like. It’s hilarious. And spot on Adam. And a little bit of Buzzcocks. 
This album is a lot of fun. Reminds me of The Regrettes. Anyone else?

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