Monday, April 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Cold Chisel - Twentieth Century

Cold Chisel - Twentieth Century

1984 Housekeeping
Cold Chisel
Twentieth Century
4.75 out of 5

Twentieth Century
Saturday Night
No Sense
Hold Me Tight
The Game

I regret that Cold Chisel is one of those bands that I know nothing about. Not that this album makes me want to go back into their catalog, just that their name kept popping up on Soulseek and other boards.
So, naturally, when I read up on this, being called their "best" I was excited.
Umm....this is...disco. If a disco band was fronted by Danko Jones. Why they opened with 3rd rate Kiss makes no sense to me since the album rips right after that. So much so, that the gentle throb of "Saturday Night" is earned as part of this hodgepodge coda as it builds into a Foreigner arena rock epic.
The whole first side is an exercise in "What happened?" or, rather, "What didn't happen?" because based on this Cold Chisel could have been the right band at the end of the right time to hit it big.
It's a little bit Aerosmith, Foreigner and Journey.
It's a whole lot of extraordinary. What a great way to end 1984!

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