Monday, April 1, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - This Kind of Punishment - A Beard of Bees

This Kind of Punishment - A Beard of Bees

1984 Housekeeping
This Kind of Punishment
A Beard of Bees
2.75 out of 5

What's your feeling on hearing the same series of notes over and over played on the high E string of a guitar? You love that? Great "The Horrible Tango" is for you.
How do you feel about delicate piano music with a touch of discordance and drone-singing?
Much of this album would be for you.
It's not for me.
If I'm going to listen to somnambulance I would prefer it be Music for Airports or the like.
I'm sure this is considered by some to be brilliant. It's boring to me.

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