Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Lords of the New Church - The Method to Our Madness

The Lords of the New Church - The Method to Our Madness

January 1984
The Lords of the New Church
The Method to Our Madness
Genre: Goth Rock
3.5 out of 5

Method to Our Madness
Kiss of Death

How did we miss this?
Oh well. I managed to not hear any Lords during the early days of this project. I liked Dead Boys album enough. But this, this sounds like what happens if Motley Crue went psycho billy. 
This is glam. But it’s ugly glam cuz Bators is not a genuinely charismatic guy. He’s a punk. There’s nothing wrong with that. But they sound like they want hits and that’s something a Vince Neil could pull off regardless of vocal abilities. 
This album feels longer than it is by half. 

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