Monday, February 4, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Young Fresh Fellows - The Fabulous Sounds of the Pacific Northwest

Young Fresh Fellows - The Fabulous Sounds of the Pacific Northwest

1984 Housekeeping
Young Fresh Fellows
The Fabulous Sounds of the Pacific Northwest
3.75 out of 5

Rock and Roll Pest Control
Think Better of Me
Young Fresh Fellows Theme 

They Might Be Giants have a terrific garage rock song on Apollo 9 called “Twisting”. There is a lyric, “She doesn't have to have Her Young Fresh Fellows tape back now But there's not a lot of things that She'll take back.”
And that is all I have ever known of Young Fresh Fellows. I dug their name which makes them sound like a lo-fi, self produced, Indie band. And that is exactly what they sound like. 
Crisp, tight, short, terse, pop rock ditties well song, well played, often times hilarious. 
I get why TMBG liked them. or heard them. Or had a character in a song that owned a cassette of theirs which ended up in the possession of a boyfriend.
Someone would have to correct me but, are Young Fresh Fellows the Northern Wast Coast equivalent of Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers? Cuz, it feels like it to me. 
This whole thing was an exercise in cute little rock band that loves to play rock and roll. You could go much wronger than this. And I have affection for any band that writes their own theme song.

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