Saturday, February 16, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Pallas - The Sentinal

Pallas - The Sentinal

1984 Housekeeping
The Sentinal
2.5 out of 5


One theme that seems to be weaving its way through some of the 80s (Al Stewart, Glenn Frey, Camel) is the Cold War. I think we all forget just how terrifying it was and how many of us were sure that Ronnie was taking us to the brink. 
Pallas was deeply affected, apparently, as they dedicated their entire first album to the subject. It’s all perfectly and appropriately epic and at the same time, uninspiring and sort of dull. I actually prefer Marillion. Which is a shame because I get the feeling that these guys could be really great. But every “EPIC!!” sounds the same and I keep losing the plot. 
This album is long. I mean, it’s about an hour but I had to break it up to get through it. I wanted to love it but, in the end I can’t recommend it. 
The playlist is slightly altered, Atlantis should be the last song to conform with the initial release. Good luck.

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