Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Vibrators - Alaska 157

The Vibrators - Alaska 157

June 15 1984
The Vibrators
Alaska 157
3.75 out of 5

3-D Jesus
Jesus Always Lets You Down

Well, at least someone is trying to keep the Clash torch burning. 
I always want the Vibrators to be better. In the same way that I wish Buzzcocks were. Neither ever got as close to “Orgasm Addict” for me but that’s the kind of thing I expect from these bands. The songs are tight, terse and leave me wanting. 
Eventually bands like Ima Robot would bring this sound back for one album and write some catchy stuff but I feel like, as with them and Epoxies, they weren’t able to sustain that level for more than one set of songs. 
Right around “3-D Jesus”, The Vibrators belie their true nature. Sure, they’re “punk” but they’d just as soon be The Kinks, circa 1970. And I wish they followed that path a bit more ardently. The album is a lot more eclectic on the second half, if you make it that far. 

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