Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Lindsey Buckingham - Go Insane

Lindsey Buckingham - Go Insane

Lindsey Buckingham
Go Insane
4.25 out of 5

Go Insane
Slow Dancing
Bang the Drum
D.W. Suite

Why this album came into our lives I can’t remember. I don’t think *I* owned it but there was a copy on cassette that I used to listen to. Especially on one life defining night in New York. A terrible experience in an acting rehearsal space…I won’t go into detail. It still haunts me.  It was the catalyst for me leaving the acting department and wading in the morass of the film department. I should’ve left college that semester. It really wasn’t for me. I wasn’t ready. But had I left I know that I never would have been roommates with someone with whom I, on a lark, took a post senior year trip to LA. He and I would not have been roommates in Los Angeles. I would not have started to pursue a career here. I would not have gotten married, had a kid, lost that kid, got remarried and had these two. 
More likely I would have gone home to figure out what I wanted to do. Stayed in the NY area to try my hand at acting. And, also likely, when my father died shortly thereafter, I wouldn’t have gone back toLos Angeles, beckoned by a commercial director who wanted to see me for a certain spot (kicking off a decade long working relationship and decades long friendship). I would probably have moved back home, directionless, to help my mother with her situation as a widow with debt. It’s doubtful I would have gotten out of New Jersey, probably taking over their business. And I’d be a completely different person than I am today. 
That acting experience that night was only partially the reason those things never happened, but, had it not occurred, there’s a good chance that I would not have left the theater department. It was but one in a series of events…
And it all started with staring out the 2nd floor rehearsal studio window, listening to Go Insane by Lindsey Buckingham. 
Strangely, the record isn’t bringing back nostalgia or pangs of any kind. I just recall it. But because of that night, I can’t be objective. 
It’s experimental and dark. it sounds like Lindsey but not like Fleetwood Mac. Like he’s trying to break out of something. Be something else. It was the perfect record for that night, a bridge between middle of the road and experimentation. Exactly where I was at the time. 

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