Saturday, February 9, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Russ Ballard - Russ Ballard

Russ Ballard - Russ Ballard

May 1984 Housekeeping
Russ Ballard
Russ Ballard
2 out of 5

Russ Ballard could tour with John Parr. Parr is the better songwriter but Russ is the better guitarist. This is every big 80’s mid tempo song you’ve ever heard. The songs wanna be Rick Springfield so bad they can taste it, but they don’t come close. My only wish is that they were sung by Dirk Diggler. His voice would’ve been better. It’s all mid tempo rock until late into the second half with “A Woman Like You”, by no means anything to call your radio station and beg them to play, but at least it shows that Ballard could keep up with a slightly quicker than ballad tempo. Why not open with something like this? Why do I care? This is bad Journey. Imagine that. Go ahead, imagine it.

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