Friday, February 22, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Great White - Great White

Great White - Great White

1984 Housekeeping
Great White
Great White
2.5 out of 5

Somewhere, in some record shop, there must be a cutout bin of just 80s bands who all wanted to be Van PriestSnake. I sometimes wonder, did they all hear the same records and decide to be THAT band? Was it organic? How did this genre take shape. If I was a documentarian that is the movie I’d be interested in making. Not the one that describes the origin of Metal. We all know that story, or some version of it. Yarburds, Zeppelin, Sabbath, blah blah blah. 
No, the story that is fascinating is the SECOND generation. The ones who heard it and decided to be that. Krokus, Survivor, Great White, Fastway, Venom, Saxon, Dokken, Helix, Kick Axe, etc. What was that defining moment that gave birth to the exact same band over and over and sent the to clubs to ply their Plant voiced, Eddie Axed craft? 
Well, anyway, here’s Great White. 
Just another one. The cover of The Who’s “Substitute” draws no line between Mods and GlaMetal. In fact, it proves the opposite.

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