Friday, February 22, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Droogs - Stone Cold World

The Droogs - Stone Cold World

1984 Housekeeping
The Droogs
Stone Cold World
4.25 out of 5

A Change is Gonna Come
Stone Cold World
From Another Side

Does anyone know these guys? They stepped out of time, it seems, to release late 60s garage rock in the 80s. They do a great job of it but it’s so out of sync with what’s going on that it’s no surprise they never found an audience in their own country. And by country I mean 80s Los Angeles. 
Yes, this record is 16 years out of date. But, when I think about that, the relationship between 1968 to 1984 that’s like looking back at 2003 as antediluvian. It’s amazing how much music changed from the 60s to the 80s but should it be so surprising that someone was out there making this stuff? 
For what they do, they do very very well.

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