Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Bluebells - Sisters

The Bluebells - Sisters

July 1984
The Bluebells
4.5 out of 5

Young at Heart
I’m Falling
South Atlantic Way

Much like the Fun Boy Three version of “Our Lips Are Sealed”, the male co-writer of “Young at Heart” a nice track off Bananarama’s Deep Sea Skiving is redone here in a way that I find most appealing. As some retro-bluegrass, country fair track. 
Elvis Costello had his hand in some of this on the track “Will She Be Waiting”, a perfectly lush track that calls to mind summers and the 60s. 
Unfortunately the album is only available as a cobbled together playlist so some of the tracks like “Syracuse University” and “Learn to Love” are only available in their live form and I found that to be less than as great as their studio work. And the album gets more and more “important” as it progresses. Culminating in “South Atlantic Way”, a song about The Falklands. 
Easily one of the best discoveries of 1984. A stellar little piece of 80s pop sans requisite posturing and synths and epicness. Just a bunch of really good songs, done really well. Once again, Scotland comes through. I love The Yummy Fur, 1990s, The Fratellis…Sottish rock almost never disappoints.


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