Thursday, December 10, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - John Cale - Honi Soit

 John Cale - Honi Soit


March 13 1981

John Cale

Honi Soit

Genre: Rock

2.75 out of 5

I don’t think “Dead or Alive” is any good without John Gatchell’s Trumpet. Thing is, WITH that trumpet it’s a delectable little confection of rock. And that’s the thing with this record. 

I’m actually kind of surprised how much like 2nd rate Warren Zevon it sounds. 

I have spent so many hours trying to love all things Velvet Underground and…I just don’t. I know, I know. It dampens my cred. 

As separate pieces, they were nowhere near the value of the whole. But they rode that reputation’s coattails all the way through a bunch of records that were probably left unmade. 

This isn’t awful. But the gravitas of JOHN CALE drags it under the ocean. It alllllmost got into the 3’s but “Magic & Lies” just killed it.

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