Monday, August 24, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Carly Simon - Come Upstairs

 Carly Simon - Come Upstairs


June 16 1980
Carly Simon
Come Upstairs
Genre: Oh, so misguided
2.5 out of 5


When folky singer songwriters try to tap into the popular vein, more often than not it’s a cloying disaster. 
This is no exception to that rule. 
Now, I’ve never really been much of a Carly-file. I think she’s fine for what she does but it’s never been that exciting to me. I actually prefer Dory Previn. Now, I name checked Dory just to do that because I’m pretty bored by these songs. 
Sue me. 
This is the album that has “Jesse” on it. It’s a good song. There’s pretty much one or two on each Carly Simon record. But this is the era where an entire album can be sold on the basis of one hit. It’s a grift, people. This album, like many of it’s ilk from the era could just be called The Grifter. 

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