Monday, January 14, 2019

The 1983 Listening Post - Quarterflash - Take Another Picture

Quarterflash - Take Another Picture

1983 Housekeeping
Take Another Picture
2.75 out of 5
Take Another Picture
Take Pat Benatar. Add a saxophone. Strip away all edges and dial down the charisma and you got yourself some Quarterflash.
Easy listening soft rock that’s run out of ideas as evidenced by the “Harden My Heart” redux called “Shane”. Only it’s even more plodding and dull.
And then…and then!!! Marc Ross takes over the lead vocals on “Eye to Eye” and if you wanted to know what really shitty Foreigner would sound like…welp, there it is.
Who is the intended audience for this? Just how old were the people who were buying this? If you bought this, I have to ask, did you ever listen to it again? We should find someone who went to the store, put down their heard earned cash and said, “I have been waiting for the new Quarterflash album!” and went home and put this thing on. It’s not “bad”, it’s just…a thing that exists. It’s wholly unmemorable. I want to know who bought this. If you are that person or know that person I have some questions…

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