Sunday, January 27, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Marillion - Fugazi

Marillion - Fugazi

March 12 1984
2.75 out of 5

Punch and Judy

I’ve been dreading this album, loathing Marillion’s Script for a Jester’s Tear as much as I did in the 83 LP. 
I’m having a deeply different reaction this time around. “Assassing” is hitting all the right giant prog-metal-stadium notes. If this continues I might have to go back and listen to that other one again just to be sure I didn’t judge it too harshly. 
On the surface something like “She Chameleon” is a prog-horror with some questionable lyrics, but when I dove into those lyrics they presented something more insidious than their colorful, almost comical album covers belie. Some of this stuff is brutal. Amateurish and somewhat puerile but brutal ,nonetheless. 
However, the promise of the first couple songs is not held up as the album marches to its eventual bombast of mediocre Genesis. But those tracks are enough to vault it way higher than the debut.

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