Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - Neville Luxury - Feels Like Wartime Dancing

Neville Luxury - Feels Like Wartime Dancing

January 1984
Neville Luxury
Feels Like Dancing Wartime
3 out of 5


Poorly mixed, distorted nexus of New Wave and Disco. There are a ton of bands that are already doing this better so, why is this necessary? It’s almost impossible to find any info about this band or record. If I had seen it in the cutout bin of Sounds I might’ve picked it up for 25 cents. And then I’m not sure I would have listened to the second side. But then I would have missed out on the best* track on the record, “Motivator”.
This “band” is the outgrowth of a british outfit called Punishment of Luxury. Get this. As of 2012 they were STILL recording. What? But the output has been minimal. Either they have day jobs they keep very hidden from the real world or they…do something else. 
If you can make it to the end, “Rock Out the Box” is like the return of The Rezillos. Oh…I miss The Rezillos.

On an alternate world, these guys grow into Electric Six. 

*Your mileage may vary.

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