Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Raincoats - Moving

The Raincoats - Moving

January 1984
The Raincoats
3 out of 5

Ooh Ooh La La La

This one will be a challenge for you guys. The version that is on Apple Music is the reissue from a decade later. I had to fill in the missing gaps (Like “Dreaming of the Past” on YouTube and I don’t like to make people do that. However, the Raincoats are a semi-important name in 80s Indie pop/rock that to not include them might feel overly omissive. I don’t know why they removed the aforementioned song from reissues as it’s one of the most accessible songs in their catalog. Like a visit to RenFair. and the African tinged “Honey Mad Woman” is a delight. Both of them are more approachable than the rest of the entire band’s catalog. So, why keep those off rereleases? Are these women allergic to anyone thinking they write “songs”. This album falls in between The Raincoats and Odyshape. I loved the former, hated the latter. This one feels like it wants to have it both ways and is actively challenging me to turn it off. 

The entire album is here, if you really wanna hear it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqS3RLOW7gI&t=6s

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