Thursday, January 24, 2019

The 1984 Listening Post - The Alarm - Declaration

The Alarm - Declaration

The Alarm
5 out of 5

Marching On
Where Were You Hiding When the Storm Broke?
Third Light
Sixty Eight Guns

Talk about getting your money’s worth out of an album. I listened to the crap out of this one.
This will not be a popular opinion but, fuck it, it’s my page.
The Clash left a big while when they fizzled after Sandinista. (Don’t @ with your Combat Rock bs. That can’t hold a candle to classic Clash). 
The Alarm were determined to fill that hole. Emotionally charged power rock with a punk’s approach. (The closest to this debut would come in the form of The Libertines 20 years later)
There is not a track on this album that doesn’t make me want to air drum, air guitar, dance around my house and sing at the top of my lungs. 
The main flaw is that one of the best tracks, “The Stand” was truncated for the album as it was released and a hit much earlier than the debut.
This is one of my favorite albums of all time. It runs out of steam a bit toward the end, but, I’m exhausted from the air concert by that point anyway. 

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