Monday, January 14, 2019

The 1983 Listening Post - Loudness - The Law of the Devil's Land

The 1983 Listening Post.
The Law of the Devil's Land

In 2008 I started a blog called "The Listening Post". In it I would sit with the entire catalog of one band and review each album in chronological order.
Each album would be given a grade, A-F. The best tracks would be rated as "A Sides". The surprising songs would be "BlindSides". The worst would be "DownSides".
From 2015-2017 I decided to forgo the blog and just listen....
to every rock album released from 1978-1982. Just to, you know, see if I missed anything.
Since my Facebook feed has become nothing more than Trump, Trump and more politics, I thought it might be fun to continue the project.
This group is dedicated to 1983.
I'll put up the albums in order of release. Hopefully I won't miss anything.
I will be listening to each album and entering my own ratings and song preferences in my ongoing spreadsheet (which I will share with you, if you like).
But, I will also link the album here in case anyone wants to talk about them.
Let's rock! 

This is a Facebook group that is being cross posted here for short term posterity.

I don't know what any of these songs are about. And I didn't even know they existed. This is right in that Randy Rhodes wheelhouse and I loved every second of it.
The Law of Devil's Land 
4 Stars

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