Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - Polyrock - Changing Hearts

Polyrock - Changing Hearts 


January 1 1981


Changing Hearts

Genre: Glass Rhythms

3.75 out of 5


Changing Hearts

Mean Cow

Requisite 80s cover: The Beatles’ “Rain”. A completely unnecessary and uninteresting vserson to close out an album that runs out of steam. 

This is what it sounds like if Philip Glass was the keyboardist for The Cars and was able to wrest control from Ocasek. 

The only problem being that Glass wouldn’t have allowed Ric (Or Roy Thomas Baker) to produce is so it sounds like mud. 

Otherwise, this is a neat sophomore record to the highly danceable first record. A lot more herk to jerk. 

On the heels of, say, Bow Wow Wow, this really suggests that Philip Glass knew where the wind was blowing (i.e “Quiet Spot”). He just let it blow him to the Brooklyn Academy of Music instead.

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