Friday, October 23, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - Balance - Balance

 Balance - Balance


1981 Housekeeping



Genre: Post-Glam Stadium AORock

3.25 out of 5


Breaking Away

Is it Toto? No, but they could have toured with them. This is Bob Kulick’s band.  You know Bob. He just died this year (2020) and he worked with…well…everybody. His brother was an off and on member of Kiss. He worked with W.A.S.P. And Meat Loaf. And Michael Bolton. And Diana Ross. And even Spongebob Squarepants. 

Bob seems like a nice guy that had talent that people liked to work with. But this kind of aim-for-the-heart-of-the-Top-40-Radio-Dial stuff fails more often than it excites. A lot of it sounds like the kind of stuff that Dirk Diggler would be desperate to record. 

It’s a shame cuz the near jingoism of “American Dream” coupled with the strings drag down what could have been a neat little latter day Queen type track.

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