Friday, October 23, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - Art Objects - Bagpipe Music

Art Objects - Bagpipe Music 


1981 Housekeeping

Art Objects

Bagpipe Music

Genre: Post-Rock Semi Ambient Noodle Poetry

3 out of 5

In a few years these guys will reemerge as Blue Aeroplanes and put out a pretty decent record with a song on called “Bagpipe Music”, which is the better track there.

This album is called Bagpipe Music but there are no bagpipes. But it’s nice to see that they were doing the storytelling beat poetry as song when they were this incarnation. Nice, I mean, in that they are consistent. 

These aren’t art objects. They are art students. Who think by appropriating the Batman Theme and equating it to V Vietnam they are being cheeky and funny.

They aren’t.

The have the countenance of people who think they should be seen as important but haven’t built up the currency to be valued as such.

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