Thursday, October 1, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Kansas - Audio-Visions

 Kansas - Audio-Visions


By Jeff Christian

September 1980



Genre: Prog Rock wearing OshKosh B'Gosh overalls

Allen’s Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Jeff's Rating: 2.5 out of 5  

Full disclosure, I played the "Leftoverture" and "Point of Know Return" albums until the grooves wore out [remember grooves??] between 1976 and 1978. I even wrote a prepubescently pompous English paper about the deep significance of the poem-song, "The Wall." I was smitten by everything about them, from the majesty of Kerry Livgren's power chords to Steve Walsh's soaring voice and missing sleeves to the faux Renaissance cover art. I never really knew why I didn't listen to them after middle school.

"Audio-Visions" is why. 

This album is so painfully formulaic that even the song titles are a tip off:  "Anything For You"..."Hold On"..."Got to Rock On"...yawn. 

At least, "Back Door" holds the promise of Spinal Tap-esque double entendre, but is, alas, just a treacly piano ballad penned by a Born Again Christian. 

"Loner" kicks things up a notch with some driving Metal edge. But most of the tracks blend together as a melange of the usual Prog Rock cliches [I'm talking to you, electric violin and jazz flute]. Mainly, the band's goal seems to be to ensure that absolutely nothing on the record would ever cause someone to dance. Or even to sing along.

Tragically, the band continued to make music...and we will have to suffer through 4 more of their efforts as the '80s progress.

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