Friday, October 23, 2020

The 1981 Listening Post - The Legendary Pink Dots - Only Dreaming

 The Legendary Pink Dots - Only Dreaming 


January 1981

The Legendary Pink Dots

Only Dreaming

Genre: Please kill me

1.5 out of 5

This is the 5th Pink Dots record we’ve covered here at The Listening Post. I was able to avoid any knowledge of this band until our research team added them to the catalog. 

So, that means that whenever I see their name pop up on my to-listen list I dread it and try to push it off as long as I can. 

And then, occasionally I am greeted by these beautiful words on the YouTube link: “(Missing 4 tracks) and I actually feel…lighter. 

You know that feeling when you get a really good night’s sleep and are ready to take on the day? I feel the exact opposite when I start a Legendary Pink Dots record. But those three words…that’s like getting the right target on your Sleep Number Bed for the first time. That’s 7+ hours of uninterrupted (even to go to the bathroom) sleep and waking to no alarm in a room with blackout curtains. 

Because those 8.5 lost minutes…out of a 60+ minute calliope of nightmare music for a carnival that makes Escape From Tomorrow seem like a David Lean epic…are a gift to me. 

Except that…those missing songs are all weaved into the other tracks so…ugh. 

I do not like The Legendary Pink Dots.

Even when they seem remotely interesting like on “Black Highway” and “Defeated” the vocals completely ruin everything. 

From Wikipedia: “The first edition was released by Mirrordot and simply limited to ten copies, all with different covers. Initial releases on the Jarmusic label were released in 1989 (limited to 89 copies with two different covers), 1990 (limited to 100 copies, also with a different cover), and 1995 (limited to 250 numbered copies, yet again with a different cover).”

Sadly, one of those copies was uploaded to YouTube. 

Stick to xex. 

YouTube:  (Missing 4 tracks - It Rots Your Liver, Game, O(ri)ffice and Only Dreaming)

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