Monday, October 14, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Yo La Tengo - Ride the Tiger

Yo La Tengo - Ride the Tiger

January 1985
Yo La Tengo
Ride the Tiger
Genre: Indie
4.5 out of 5

The Cone of Silence
The Evil That Men Do
The Forest Green

Yo La Tengo. This is a band that named itself after the fact that the 1962 Mets had a Spanish speaking Venezuelan outfielder, Elio Chacon, who didn’t understand it when Richie Ashburn, the centerfielder, would yell “I have it!!!” and they would crash into each other. So, the team learned that “Yo La Tengo” meant the same thing. Except that Frank Howard, the right fielder wasn’t there for that meeting that day and when Ashburn ran after a fly ball and yelled “Yo la tengo!!” Howard crashed into him. 
“What the hell is ‘Yellow tango’???”
I’ve known that baseball anecdote my whole life. And I knew that there was a band that named itself after that anecdote. 
But I never heard them
Until now.
This is so “Indie” I’m surprised Soulseek didn’t have a sub-group in the Indie section devoted to it.
I mean, they kind of invented the genre with this, no?
Well, no. Cuz Violent Femmes did that a few years earlier. But this is in that vein. 
This album is so adorable I want to give it a hug. It should probably get a 4.25 but I’m bumping it up for how happy it made me to hear it. 

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