Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers - It's Time For...

Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers - It's Time For...

February 1986
Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers
It’s Time For…
Genre: Independent Rocking
3.75 out of 5

It’s You
Just About Seventeen

How does Jonathan exist? Is he a time traveler from the past stuck 30 years in his future and just decided to make the best of it? But, like, he’s not a musician from the 50s. Nope. He’s a guy who loved music and could play a pretty okay guitar and probably went to sock hops and had trouble dating but seemed like he was gonna have a pretty nice, pedestrian life and then, whoop, he was transported to the future and knew how all those songs went so he just wrote his own stuff running it through the taffy machine of what he was weaned on and then made an entire career out of being stuck out of time but coupled his innocence with his earnestness and just…kept going. 

This album is cute. It’s not as explosively fantastic as the last one. I feel the same way about this as I have about most of Jonathan’s work. I never want to return to it but, I imagine, if I was a big fan, I would sing along with “Double Chocolate Malted” or “Neon Sign” and not mind the insipidity. In fact, I would revel in it. 

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