Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Stan Ridgway - The Big Heat

Stan Ridgway - The Big Heat

February 10 1986
Stan Ridgway
The Big Heat
Genre: New Wave
3 out of 5


The 80s…
In what I would say has to be the most incongruous record I may have ever heard, New Wave warbler and former Wall of Voodoo leader, Ridgway takes on…Film Noir? 
The thing about Film Noir is right there in the title. It’s supposed to be dark. Moody. And yet, this is about as opposite that as you can get. BUT! It’s ominous. Which, to my ear, lends itself more to cheesy horror films featuring killers in latex. BUT! Noir meant something different in the 80s cuz Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. 
So, all that incongruity makes for a weird experience that falls just this side of listenability in the Residents realm. 
There’s nothing bad here. And if Stan Ridgway makes your keychains clink, you’ll like it. I think he’s mediocre at best and I find his noise tolerable for about 20 minutes. Which is the length of one side. 

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