Monday, October 14, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - The Accused - The Return of Martha Splatterhead

The Accused - The Return of Martha Splatterhead

January 1986
The Accused
The Return of Martha Splatterhead
Genre: Death Thrash
3.75 out of 5

Wrong Side of the Grave
Show No Mercy
Lonely Place

I must have missed the first Martha Splatterhead experience because now that she’s returned I’m just totally confused. Just kidding. The first Martha Splatterhead was an EP and we don’t do EPs here. 
Honestly, this is the kind of thing I would’ve seen in the store as a little kid and been too frightened to purchase and then, when older, I’d’ve seen a t-shirt for them and decided against it cuz I wasn’t that kid.
Full disclosure, if I liked this stuff when I got older I would definitely sport a Martha Splatterhead button.
This is hard thrash with a lot of screaming that is hardly sustainable for an entire career, let alone a record. And yet, when it hits, it does so with gusto.
It’s kind of great that this thing was able to exist in the first place. The 80s were such a time for music, it gets maligned as just synth pop and dance. it’s sooooooo much more. 

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