Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Camper Van Beethoven - II & III

Camper Van Beethoven - II & III

February 1986
Camper Van Beethoven 
Genre: West Coast Pot Smoking Violent Femmes Klezmer Rock
4.5 out of 5

Sad Lover’s Waltz
Down and Out
We’re a Bad Trip
Chain of Circumstances
Cattle (Reversed)

CVB takes the weird instrumentation to a new level with the inclusion of Klezmer music and I’m left thinking: What the hell is this? It’s not rock, but then it is, but then it’s folk and then it’s ramblings and then it’s klezmer. Sometimes they play “rock” but I think that’s either to appease someone in the band or just to prove they…can?This is it’s own thing and it sounds like what I can only describe as a bunch of musicians who have other careers and play music together to help blow off steam from their dayjobs. 

Now, I know that isn’t true but, man, it feels like it to me. They aren’t as drunk as The Replacements but, give em a few drinks and I bet they could give Westerberg a run for his money.

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