Thursday, September 19, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - The Dicks - These People

The Dicks - These People

1985 Housekeeping
The Dicks
These People
Genre: Punk
4.25 out of 5

Executive Dive
Dead in a Motel Room

Someone once said of my voice that I was a cross between Meatloaf and Jello Biafra. I took that to be a huge compliment because I know that I had a better voice than Jello’s and in that regard what they were talking about was a bit of timbre but also attitude. 
If I wasn’t fortunate enough to surround myself with musicians more talented than I, a guitarist who grew up under the tutelage of alternative from the likes of Billy Corgan and another guitarist who worshipped Ace Frehley as much as he did Slash my band might have ended up sounding a lot like The Dicks. 
This one is a bit more accessible than the last and what it ends up sounding like is what you get if you remove the surf sound from Dead Kennedys. 
There are worse things. Gary Floyd’s voice is exactly the right megaphone for this stuff. 

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