Friday, July 12, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Chaz Jankel - Looking at You

Chaz Jankel - Looking at You

1985 Housekeeping
Chaz Jankel
Looking at You
Genre: Rock
3.75 out of 5

I was at a director friend’s office one day. It was 1988. I was a young actor who was bored, lonely and often very hungry. He let me go and hang out and eat their snacks. I ate a lot of his snacks. I’m pretty sure I wore out my welcome. But he never said anything and he cast me in about 9 commercials over 3 years. He made some of his editors cut my demo reel for free. Introduced me to a few interesting people as well. Like Joe Pytka, who was there one day because my friend cut all of Joe’s commericals. Joe was not impressed. Never hired me. 
There was also a day when I was hanging out and this directing team was in talking about their ideas for their version of a cinematic Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. I was starstruck. Couldn’t speak. I know I auditioned for them at some point but I can’t recall if they cast me or not. It was a long time ago. But I think it was a Bud Lite commercial. Tiny Lister was in it. Phil Lamarr, too. 
Anyway. They didn’t go on to direct that movie. But they did a lot of other stuff. One of the directors was Annabel Jankel. She’s a legend. A legend, albeit, that also directed the Super Mario Brothers movie. 
Speaking of brothers, Chaz is hers. 
And he was a Blockhead with Ian Dury.
And this is an album he made. 
It’s fine. Lots of percussive rhythms. Sounds like generic jazz rock to me. Generic Jazz Rock as made by a big latter day Genesis fan.

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