Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The 1982 Listening Post - Kraut - An Adjustment to Society

 Kraut - An Adjustment to Society

1982 Housekeeping


An Adjustment to Society

Genre: Punk


All Twisted


Arming the World

Correct me if I’m wrong but there were two decidedly different kinds of punk in the early 80s. If I am not addled about this there was the West Coast Skateboard punk sound that was fast and snotty and sometimes hilarious. With a very “what the fuck do we care” California sensibility.

And on the east coast it seemed, to me, to hew closer to metal. Like when The Ramones came out with Too Tough to Die and that sound was deeper and sludgier. And the humor was more “Chip on their shoulder”.

Maybe I’m making a gigantic generalization but Kraut sounds like the latter. They amped up the garage sound, deepened the bass, investigated metal licks and came out swinging. Some of it, like “Abortion” and “Kill for Cash” could fit nicely into a Dead Kennedys setlist and others, like “Bogus” are hybrids of the two. And then they can also sound like and emulate The Clash, (“Sell Out”).

This is an excellent punk album from the time when this sound was important and defining.

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