Monday, August 8, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - Geza X & the Mommymen - You Goddam Kids!

 Geza X & the Mommymen - You Goddam Kids!


1981 Housekeeping

Geza X & the Mommymen

You Goddam Kids!

Genre: Punk Party!

4.25 out of 5



We Need More Power

Isotope Soap

Mean Mr. Mommyman

Geza produced The Germs, Dead Kennedys and Black Flag at different times. 

And then he put this out. 

I’d seen ads for this album all the time and I can’t remember where but I never heard it. 

Fun Fact!: DJ Bonebrake plays drums on two tracks and even co-wrote the last song.

What most parents never understood was that the best punk music had a great sense of humor. 

DKs were sarcastic as hell and could just by dint of their name be considered offensive but their approach to “Kill the Poor” or have a “Holiday in Cambodia” was just using ironic detachment, the comedy of the era, as an instrument of social awareness.

Black Flag was being sarcastic as well on “TV Party”. They were commenting on TV dependence while appropriating the personae of boob tube addicted couch potatoes (Your editor always had mixed feelings about that since I was one of those potatoes).

Adam Ant was pretending to be a pirate, ffs. 

Punks were funny. The ones who weren’t were less interesting, tbh.

This is an aural assault that rivals (while sounding a lot like) The Rezillos. 

Not since Voobaha have I heard something as demented as “Mean Mr. Mommyman”.

Fun Fact II: Geza produced Meredith Brooks’ “Bitch”. Thank him for that.

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