Monday, August 8, 2022

The 1981 Listening Post - Jim Capaldi - Let the Thunder Cry

 Jim Capaldi - Let the Thunder Cry


1981 Housekeeping

Jim Capaldi

Let the Thunder Cry

Genre: Rock

3.5 out of 5


Let the Thunder Cry

Favela Music

Child In the Storm

Requisite 80s Cover: A version of “Louie Louie” that begs the question…why?

You know I don’t know anything about Traffic so you know that I have no connection to Mr. Capaldi. Is he related to Peter Capaldi who played Doctor Who?

I need to watch those Doctor Who’s. I actually bailed out after the David Tennant series. I missed all the Matt something or other’s shows. But I think that’s when the show got popular again, huh? Was there a female Doctor at some point?

I can’t recall. 

This is big rock. Percussive at the outset and declaring itself here from the opening title track. From there it’s eclectic the way you expect from Peter Gabriel. 

Is “Child in the Storm” reminiscent of “Love the One Your With”? A slight interpolation. But a pleasing one.

Then that awful cover happens and Side Two begins with its summertime unctuous singer songwriter who shows up on a Wednesday at Geddy’s Pub. 

The stones-y “Anxiety” rights the ship but the album ends and then…oh well.

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