Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The 1982 Listening Post - Alliance - Alliance

 Alliance - Alliance

1982 Housekeeping



Genre: Stadium Rock

3.75 out of 5


How Does It Feel

Make It Right

We really should have cataloged all the bands that came on the heels of Styx and Supertramp and ELO and Foreigner because there were a ton of them and, instead of spending eternity playing in the lounge of the local Playboy club they got record deals. 

Alliance managed one. And I dare, say, it’s not terrible. 

There’s a ton of energy and soaring vocals and some fun, heady lead lines. I especially had fun listening to the lead in Love on the Line which, I don’t know, maybe Loverboy could have turned into a hit.

They do it all right here, including shoving the unctuous ballad towards the end, making it the penultimate track that leads into a closer, which could be a single or just a track that all fans really know well and sing along to while everyone else is confused. “It’s the one after the ballad, Craig!” 

“Oh. I always turn it off after that song…”

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