Friday, September 10, 2021

The 1980 Listening Post - The Shirts - Inner Sleeve

 The Shirts - Inner Sleeve

1980 Housekeeping

The Shirts

Inner Sleeve

Genre: CBGB or Broadway Band

3.5 out of 5


Too Much Trouble

Small Talk

You know…I’ve been waiting for this and I didn’t even know it. There was an actress on Orange is the New Black who played a mute character and the conceit was that she was actually a great singer. Her name is Annie Golden and she’s the Lead Singer in The Shirts! And I only learned that because I read the Wiki on the band. 

So, how is this? 

Well, it’s a lot like Blondie, man. And that’s not just cuz of Annie. It’s that sort of Boardwalk Punk that was popular for a minute and a half. 

From what I’ve read there were high hopes for these guys. And they did get 3 records out. But, even though this is positioned as a Pat Benatar/Blondie thing, the songs aren’t really there. And often they sound like a rock band out a 1974 Broadway Musical.

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