Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The 1980 Listening Post - The Pepper Porter Band - Invasion

 The Pepper Porter Band - Invasion

1980 Housekeeping

The Pepper Porter Band


Genre: Hard Rock

4 out of 5


Take a Ride


I love it when albums stream on Apple Music or Spotify but you can hear the vinyl pops and hisses because someone from the band (most likely) uploaded it. 

That’s this record. 

I also love it when Metal records prove that they really are nothing more than late 70s garage rock or psychedelic outfits with added riffage and lead licks a plenty.

That’s this record as well.

And I REALLY love it when songs fade out instead of hard ending like they do in the 21st century. 

That happens here, too.

The lead guitar on “Dreams” is fantastic and I really love the sludge-y title track. And most of the record until it takes a left turn and becomes some late 70s jam rock thing. But, you know what? This album is much better than I would have expected. 

Wither Pepper Porter?

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