Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The 1980 Listening Post - The Hoovers - Skin and Blisters

The Hoovers - Skin and Blisters 

1980 Housekeeping

The Hoovers

Skin and Blisters

Genre: Ska

2.25 out of 5

Requisite 80s cover: A lackluster “I Got You, Babe”. I know there are other covers of this but, without the duetting…it’s a fail, boys.

So, here’s an American Ska band led by Brits that I’ve never heard of. They played a lot of shows in San Francisco with, of all bands, Romeo Void. 

It’s a lot of backbeat but no horns and word was they might have been signed by Jerry Dammers but he decided not to.

And the band folded after one more EP.

No one’s loss. This is mediocre Ska. Barely that, even. 


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