Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The 1980 Listening Post - Night - Long Distance

Night - Long Distance 

1980 Housekeeping


Long Distance

Genre: Melodic Rock

2.25 out of 5


Miss You (Like I Do)

Ah, that 80s sound. You know it. It’s that 70s rock you’d hear from a band that played the bar down the shore but it’s got a little more kick and a hefty amount of better production. 

The vocals are shared between singers, one male, one female. It’s what Quarterflash was about. And that’s this band. However, I would hazard it has less saxophone and is just that much better for it. 

But it doesn’t have a massive single.  “Love Is On the Airwaves” made a little noise but it was no “Hot Summer Nights”. That was on their previous record but, no, we are not going back, guys. I know. It’s heartbreaking. 

Just as heartbreaking to know that this was Night’s last album.

I bet, had they stuck it out, they might have found a hit for the MTV generation. But they didn’t make it that far.

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