Friday, June 21, 2019

The 1985 Listening Post - Laughing Clowns - Ghosts of an Ideal Wife

Laughing Clowns - Ghosts of an Ideal Wife

June 1985
Laughing Clowns
Ghosts of an Ideal Wife
Genre: Alternative?
4 out of 5

Ghosts of an Ideal Wife
New Bully in This Town
The Flypaper

“Hey boys, just play whatever the fuck you want. Imma guzzle this 40 of Fosters and then another 40 of Fosters and then I’m gonna top it all off with a couple pints of Bundaberg Rum cuz you can’t get that shit in the states and I don’t care if anyone in the states hears my music anyways. Saxophone? Sure, play WHATEVER. THE. FUCK. YOU. WANT. I’m gonna sing whatever I want over it. 
Go nuts. “

Ok, that was fun. But, in all seriousness I think I hate Kuepper’s voice. A lot. The band sounds pretty great, though and this is another example of pushing the form to a place that I did not know we were headed in 1985. This is dark and ominous while being poppy in its own way and compelling. 

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