Saturday, May 23, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - The Suburbs - In Combo

The Suburbs - In Combo

January 20 1980
The Suburbs
In Combo
Genre: New Waviest
4.25 out of 5

Hobnobbin’ With the Executives
DD 69
Chemistry Set

Take dirty blues riffs, run them through the New Wave taffy machine and add a healthy dose of Power Pop perspective and occasional (E-bow &) Piano beauty (“Eyesight”, “Big Steer Blues”) and you get this lost relic. 
Take away the bass and, well, any other instruments but drums and guitar and I think these guys are The White Stripes before the White Stripes. Not like the White Stripes were doing anything new, really, anyway. Just that everyone else abandoned that kind of rock music so, when someone did it well, they really stood out. Other bands will follow suit, like Futureheads but I wonder if anyone remembers The Suburbs.

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