Saturday, May 23, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Durutti Column - The Return of Durutti Column

Durutti Column - The Return of Durutti Column

January 1980
Durutti Column
The Return of Durutti Column
Genre: Ambient noodle nonsense
1.75 out of 5

“Overproduced by Martin Hannett” is what Jello says before “Nazi Punks Fuck Off” on In God We Trust, Inc.And that’s what this is. A bunch of guys with access to a recording studio, a lot of pot and no one telling them, “Hey! Write a fucking song!” It’s all ambient improvisational nonsense that I am just too old to care about. 
So much of sounds like leftover clips from the Style Council but without the direction or wit or musical direction of Weller. 
I hate this. And I loved Penguin Cafe Orchestra. 

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