Monday, May 25, 2020

The 1980 Listening Post - Graham Nash - Earth & Sky

Graham Nash - Earth & Sky

February 15 1980
Graham Nash
Earth & Sky
3 out of 5

TV Guide

Graham Nash isn’t Graham Parker, is he? I got them confused when I was a kid. I’d never met anyone named Graham and my mother would let us have the crackers.
You ever walk down the street in a summer tourist town browse into the windows of the various souvenir shops (or should I say, shoppes?) eventually coming upon a local tavern? The walls are bedecked with license plates. You never give any thought to how they got license plates from so many different states? Who hands over their license plate for a drink?
Instead, you shamble in and order a beer from someone wearing a t-shirt with the establishment’s logo (maybe you’ll pick one of those up on your way out) and make your way to a little stage where a sweet, unassuming dude in a Hawaiian shirt, strums his guitar, the strings unshorn so they stick out of the head like a spider web, his buddy, Trey is on the bongos and every song is gentle and swathed in a cloud of pot.
You leave the place after a couple tracks. 
You don’t buy the shirt. 
It’s 1980 so there’s no mercy to buy.
You forget about him as you walk out the door. 
That’s this record.

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