Monday, November 4, 2019

The 1986 Listening Post - Ut - Conviction

UT - Conviction

1986 Housekeeping
Genre: Post-Rock
3.75 out of 5


Take that opening track, refine it, put Butch Vig on it and voila, Garbage. 
But then again, I don’t think the women of Ut would have allowed anything like that to happen to Ut. This is some challenging post-rock art project that is as defiant as it is ramshackle. Everything about is screams “ART PROJECT!!!” and I don’t mind that at all. In fact, that’s what makes me love it. 
This is one of those things that makes me say just because you can do some thing means you should do that thing. 
It serves no purpose save to be an updating of beat poetry, yelps, improvised semi-musicianship and I’m really glad you can listen to it on Apple Music. 

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